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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Senjata Rahasia Nazi Jerman Paling Berbahaya

        Bayangkan jika tiba-tiba anda tidak mampu lagi bernafas karena otot dada dan paru-paru menegang. Air liur, lendir terus mengalir dari mulut dan hidung anda, bahkan seluruh tubuh anda menggigil hebat disertai keringat yang mengucur deras. Pandangan pun tiba-tiba kabur karena lubang pupil mata anda mengecil hingga seujung jarum. Pusing dan rasa mual yang hebat mengiringi penderitaan anda bahkan ketika anda sangat tersiksa ingin menghirup udara segar sebanyak-banyaknya.

      Saat itu anda sudah tidak bisa lagi menggerakkan seluruh tubuh anda, tangan, kaki, kepala, leher terasa sangat kaku tanpa bisa digerakkan sedikitpun. Lalu 6 menit kemudian, anda merasakan sekarat yang hebat dan kematian pun menjemput.
Tabun, itulah senyawa kimia berbahaya warisan Perang Dunia II yang diciptakan oleh Ilmuwan Jerman pada era 1930an. Seseorang yang terkena tetesan Tabun seukuran ujung jarum dapat meregang nyawa dalam waktu 3-6 menit.

        Begitu dahsyatnya efek senyawa kimia ini hingga Liga Bangsa-Bangsa (nenek-moyang PBB) melabelkannya sebagai salah satu Senjata Pemusnah Massal (Weapons of Mass Destruction, Chemical Weapons Convention 1993) yang haram bagi negara mana pun untuk memproduksi, menggunakan, dan menyimpannya. Hal ini menjadikan Tabun sejajar dengan senjata pemusnah massal lain seperti Bom Nuklir.
Namun, tahukah anda bahwa senjata super-mematikan ini sama sekali tidak pernah digunakan Jerman dalam Perang Dunia II (1939-1945) melawan Sekutu

      Perang Dunia II merupakan perhelatan akbar penghancuran umat manusia yang kedahsyatannya belum pernah disaksikan waktu sebelumnya. Puluhan juta manusia terbunuh dalam rentang waktu yang sangat singkat, kota-kota besar rata dengan tanah, rusaknya lingkungan hidup dan tatanan sosial, merebaknya penjarahan, pembunuhan,  hancurnya negara-negara adidaya, dan menyebarnya paham ideologi menyimpang.

    Sewajarnya, Perang Dunia II menjadi katalis dan kawah candradimuka perkembangan teknologi dan sains militer saat itu. Amerika, Jerman, Inggris, Jepang, dan Soviet berlomba untuk menciptakan mesin perang paling handal yang mampu melibas lawan tanpa ampun.
Mesin perang modern berkecamuk di udara dalam bentuk pesawat pengebom, pesawat pemburu, dan bom misil; di permukaan laut dalam bentuk battleships, destroyer, dan kapal induk pesawat; di bawah laut dalam bentuk kapal selam; dan di darat dalam bentuk tank, artileri, dan infantri mekanis.
Menariknya, Jerman adalah negara yang paling inovatif dalam mengembangkan teknologi militernya pada Perang Dunia II. Sejarah mencatat bahwa Jerman di bawah pimpinan Adolf Hitler mampu menjadi sebuah negara besar yang tidak hanya unggul di ranah politik hubungan internasional, ekonomi, sains dan teknologi, namun juga unggul dalam angkatan bersenjata dan perkembangan teknologi militer.
Berbagai penemuan revolusioner dihasilkan oleh para ilmuwan Jerman yang kemudian diaplikasikan dalam bidang militer, antara lain:
  1. Pesawat jet pertama di dunia yang kemudian dikemas dalam pesawat pemburu Messerschmitt Me-262.
  2. Pesawat siluman pertama di dunia yang mengaplikasikan teknologi flying wing dan carbon coating untuk menghindari deteksi radar (Horten Ho 229).
  3. Pesawat VTOL pertama di dunia dalam bentuk helikopter (Flettner Fl 282 Kolibri).
  4. Riset bom nuklir pertama yang menggunakan heavy water (jauh sebelum proyek Manhattan Amerika, namun akhirnya gagal karena sabotase).
  5. Rudal roket pertama di dunia yang menginspirasi penerbangan luar angkasa Amerika Serikat (A-1 bombs, V-1, V-2).
  6. Hingga senjata kimia pemusnah massal yang sangat efektif dan berbahaya sehingga memungkinkan Hitler untuk memenangkan Perang Dunia II jika saja dia menggunakannya: Tabun.
Ya, Tabun. Sebuah senyawa kimia yang jernih tidak berwarna, mudah menguap, berbau buah, namun amat-sangat beracun ini adalah hasil penelitian “tidak sengaja” oleh seorang Ilmuwan Jerman bernama Gerhard Schrader pada bulan Januari 1936.
Pada awalnya Gerhard melakukan riset untuk mengembangkan insektisida (obat anti hama/serangga) kepada perusahaan IG Farben. Insektisida yang fungsinya melumpuhkan sistem syaraf serangga itu ternyata juga mampu menghancurkan sistem syaraf manusia dalam sekejap.
Sebagaimana peraturan di Jerman kala itu, semua hasil riset yang memiliki potensi militer agar diserahkan kepada pemerintah. Perwakilan dari IG Farben pun dipanggil menghadap ke Berlin untuk menunjukkan efektivitas Tabun dalam bidang militer. Akhirnya, riset dan produksi Tabun untuk menjadi senjata kimia pun dilakukan besar-besaran.
Sebagaimana senjata “ajaib” dalam perang, proyek Tabun ini benar-benar dirahasiakan keberadaannya sehingga negara-negara Sekutu pun tidak mengetahui secuil pun tentang Tabun apa lagi bagaimana mempersiapkan diri dan counter-attack terhadap senjata kimia ini.
Kedahsyatan Tabun sebagai senjata kimia sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Satu tetes kecilnya, jika tersentuh oleh kulit manusia, maka dapat dipastikan orang itu akan mati dalam 6 menit ke depan.
Bayangkan jika senjata ini digunakan dalam perang global, di mana terdapat ratusan ribu tentara dalam satu front pertempuran, padahal Jerman kala itu (medio 1943) sudah mampu memproduksi 12000 ton Tabun.
Keefektifan Tabun sebagai senjata pemusnah massal pun jauh melebihi Bom Nuklir yang gemar dibahas oleh negara Sekutu kala itu. Bom nuklir memang memiliki efek destruktif yang sangat besar, namun dengan efek kehancuran yang besar itu juga terjadi collateral damage yang besar pula, antara lain efek radioaktif nuklir berpuluh-puluh tahun yang menimbulkan penyakit genetik, kehancuran lingkungan dan bangunan perkotaan.
Berbeda dengan Tabun yang hanya membunuh manusia (dan serangga), sehingga penggunaannya sangat efektif dan spesifik. Apalagi Tabun adalah senyawa yang sangat mudah menguap dan terurai di udara sehingga tidak terjadi efek buruk lingkungan setelah serangan dilakukan.
Seiring berjalannya waktu, Jerman semakin terdesak dan kalah dalam pertempuran-pertempuran Perang Dunia II.
Hancurnya pabrik industri dan militer oleh pesawat pengebom milik Sekutu, kalahnya industri, sumber daya alam, dan jumlah sumber daya manusia Jerman dibandingkan Amerika dan Soviet, serta bobroknya birokrasi internal pemerintahan Nazi saat itu, hingga pengkhianatan di kalangan angkatan bersenjata, mengakibatkan Hitler semakin tersudut dalam perang.
Selain itu, negara-negara Sekutu juga gencar melakukan serangan pemusnah massal berupa pengeboman besar-besaran ke wilayah penduduk yang mengakibatkan jutaan masyarakat sipil meninggal, dan puluhan juta lainnya kehilangan rumah mereka.
Bahkan tidak jarang pasukan pengebom Sekutu menggunakan bom incendiary yakni bom api yang mampu membakar habis-habisan seluruh kota dalam badai api. Pemboman massal seperti ini justru memiliki efek yang jauh lebih dahsyat daripada penggunaan bom atom / nuklir.
Jika bom atom kala itu hanya efektif untuk sebuah kota yang terdiri dari bangunan semi permanen (kota-kota di Jepang misal Hiroshima & Nagasaki), maka hujan bom incendiary mampu membakar habis kota modern permanen gaya Eropa seperti Dresden, Hamburg, Aachen, dan Berlin.
Namun di tengah keterpurukan ini, Hitler justru tidak mengizinkan penggunaan senjata pemusnah massal Tabun untuk menyelematkan negaranya dari agresi militer sekutu yang semakin merangsek masuk ke jantung Jerman.
Perlu diingat bahwa saat itu Sekutu sama sekali tidak mengetahui perihal Tabun dan bagaimana cara mengatasinya, juga bahwa bom nuklir belum ditemukan oleh ilmuwan Amerika saat itu, sehingga Jerman adalah satu-satunya negara yang memiliki senjata pemusnah massal paling efektif.
Jika Hitler mau menggunakan Tabun, maka bukan tidak mungkin perang akan dimenangkan oleh Jerman.
Mengapa Hitler tidak menggunakan Tabun?
Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa pribadi Hitler adalah pribadi yang sangat kompleks, orang-orang terdekatnya pun tidak mengetahui secara pasti bagaimana karakter asli Adolf Hitler.
Beberapa kalangan menganggap bahwa trauma masa lalu Hitler dalam Perang Dunia I, di mana ia pernah menjadi korban dalam serangan gas beracun (mustard gas) menjadi alasan utama ia untuk tidak menggunakan Tabun.
Namun kita juga harus mengetahui bahwa Adolf Hitler adalah seorang yang menjunjung tinggi fair-play dalam peperangan, bahkan mendekati kekolotan.
Dalam pertempuran Berlin (Battle of Berlin), tank-tank Soviet sengaja memasang bendera Nazi untuk mengelabui pesawat Stuka Jerman, dan Hitler dengan keras melarang pasukannya untuk melanggar peraturan bendera.
Begitu pula ketika kota-kota besar Jerman mulai dilanda badai ribuan pesawat pengebom Inggris dan Amerika, meluluhlantakkan pemukiman penduduk. Hitler enggan melakukan serangan balasan serupa hingga situasi benar-benar parah dan akhirnya ia hanya melancarkan serangan rudal (flying bombs) V-1 ke London.
Hitler juga satu-satunya pemimpin negara berperang saat itu yang sangat menolak untuk membunuh petinggi negara lain secara sembunyi-sembunyi (assassination).
Kemungkinan utama Hitler menolak penggunaan Tabun adalah dia masih menjunjung tinggi konvensi Geneva sebagai peraturan perang internasional.
Penggunaan Tabun oleh Hitler dimungkinkan dalam dua hal yakni penggunaan strategis dan penggunaan taktis.
Penggunaan strategis sebagaimana sekutu menggunakan armada ribuan pesawat bomber-nya untuk menghancurkan kota-kota Jerman dan Jepang, maka Hitler dapat pula meluncurkan bom-bom Tabun baik melalui pesawat bomber maupun langsung melalui missile V-1 yang bercokol di Prancis menuju sasaran-sasaran padat penduduk di Inggris maupun Soviet, bahkan Amerika.
Efeknya tentu sangat dahsyat, selain menghancurkan kapabilitas Sekutu di bidang sumber daya manusia, Tabun juga mampu menghancurkan moral rakyat yang tahu bahwa efek Tabun sangat mematikan dan pasti mati.
Penggunaan yang jauh lebih praktis namun mampu menyelamatkan Jerman dari kekalahan perang tentu saja penggunaan taktis di medan tempur. Ketersediaan Tabun pada medio 1943 berarti Jerman seharusnya telah mampu menyelamatkan dirinya dari kekalahan-kekalahan telak seperti di Kursk (1943), Bagration (1944), Korsun-Cherkassy (1944), Budapest (1945), hingga Battle of Berlin (1945).
Bahkan pendaratan Sekutu barat yang terkenal, yakni Operation Overlord (D-Day, 6 Juni 1944), dapat dengan mudah digagalkan Hitler dengan meluncurkan missile V-1 yang mengandung Tabun ke arah konsentrasi pasukan sekutu di pantai Normandia, mengingat roket V-1 adalah satu-satunya metode pengiriman bom yang dapat menghindari superioritas udara pasukan sekutu.
Jika pasukan sekutu telah kalah telak dalam Operation Overlord, maka akibat politiknya adalah pengunduran diri Presiden Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, dan bahkan hancurnya aliansi Amerika-Inggris (kita ketahui bahwa Overlord adalah “ide” dari Amerika, sedangkan Inggris lebih memilih invasi di daerah Mediterania). Ini dapat menyebabkan masyarakat Amerika, Inggris, dan Kanada mengalami kehancuran moral untuk mendukung perang.

 Sumber :

Adolf Hitler biografi

Adolf Hitler dilahirkan di Braunau am Inn, Austria, dekat Jerman pada 20 April 1889. Ayah Adolf Hitler, Alois Hitler, merupakan seorang pegawai kantor beacukai . Setelah ayahnya pensiun, keluarga Hitler pindah ke kota Lambach (awal dari kehidupan yg terus berpindah-pindah di masa pensiun ayahnya).Ibunya merupakan keturunan yahudi. Di Kota tersebut terdapat sebuah biara Katolik yang dihiasi ukiran kayu dan batu yang diantaranya terdapat beberapa ukiran swastika, yang kemudian menjadi tempat Adolf muda belajar. Adolf Hitler dapat menyesuaikan dengan baik di sekolah biara tersebut, bahkan konon ia memiliki suara yang lumayan bagus. Sebagai Adolf muda, ia juga memiliki idola, yaitu biarawan yang melayani di sekolah biaranya, bahkan ia pernah serius selama 2 tahun bercita-cita ingin menjadi biarawan. Ketika beranjak dewasa, cita-citanya berubah ingin menjadi seorang seniman. bahkan ia mencoba untuk mengikuti ujian masuk perguruan tinggi seni di Wina, Austria namun gagal, dan bahkan ia pernah menjadi seorang tunawisma di kota ini.

Ketika Perang Dunia I meletus, Hitler turut serta pada usia 25 tahun sebagai pengantar pesan dalam pasukan Infantri Resimen Bavaria ke-16, dan ia merupakan salah satu orang yang paling beruntung di medan pertempuran. Pernah suatu kali resimennya bertemu pasukan Inggris dan Belgia di dekat Ieper (bahasa Perancis: Ypres), resimennya kehilangan 2.500 dari 3.000 orang, tewas, luka-luka atau hilang dan Adolf Hitler lolos tanpa luka sedikitpun dan beberapa kali ia berdiri di satu tempat dan kemudian berpindah ke tempat lain yang beberapa detik kemudian tempat dia sebelumnya berdiri kejatuhan bom. Luka pertamanya didapatnya pada tanggal 7 Oktober 1916 tepat 2 tahun setelah ia terjun kedalam perang, akibat pecahan mortir di perang di Kota Somme. Ketika gencatan senjata ditanda tangani pada tanggal 11 November 1918, Hitler sedang dirawat di rumah sakit akibat terkena serangan gas klorin dari yang mengakibatkan buta sementara. Ketika itu Hitler menjabat sebagai kopralinggris .

Hitler pernah menjadi seorang pegawai penyiasat tentera di Munich dan terlibat dengan penyiasatan tentang aktiviti Parti Pekerja German.Disitu Hitler mula berkecimpung dalam politik secara tidak langsung. Hitler kemudiannya berkecimpung secara langsung dalam politik dan menjadi pengerusi kepada Parti Pekerja German pada bulan Julai 1921. Hitler kemudiannya menukar nama Parti Pekerja German kepada Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) ataupun parti Nazi. Perlahan-lahan parti Nazi terbentuk dengan logo swastika, membenruk pasukan penguatkuasa yang dikenali sebagai 'storm troopers' dan anti Yahudi. Hitler mengecam secara mutlak Perjanjian Perdamaian Versailles dan mereka yang terlibat dengannya. Pada bulan November 1923, Hitler melancarkan 'putsch' percubaan rampasan kuasa di Munich tetapi gagal. Akibat dari itu, Hitler telah dipenjarakan di penjara Landesburg dan apabila dia keluar, Hitler menjadi lebih arif dalam selok belok politik. Hitler masih mengamalkan taktik kekerasan tetapi pada masa yang sama Hitler menjalin hubungan erat dengan pihak konservatif yang ingin menggunakannya sebagai alat menentang ancaman komunis.

Hitler kemudiannya menggunakan kebolehan berpidatonya untuk menjadi ketua parti, dan menukar nama parti kepada parti Nazi 'National Socialist German Labour Party'. Hitler membentuk dasar anti yahudi, anti demokrasi dan kepercayaan kepada kuasa mutlak. Hitler menjalankan dasar memberi sedikit keistimewaan kepada mereka yang menyokong, mengancam mereka yang menentang dan propaganda bersifat patriotik kepada orang awam.

Hanya pada tahun 1929 parti Nazi memenangi majoriti dalam pengundian bandar Coburg, dan kemudiannya memenangi pengundian daerah Thuringia. Bagaimanapun semenjak 1928, Nazi memenangi daerah demi daerah secara berterusan. Dalam pengundian parlimen Reichstag 1928, parti Nazi memenangi 809,000 undian. Pada tahun 1930, parti Nazi memenangi 6,401,016 undi untuk perwakilan Nazi, sementara tahun 1932 sebanyak 13,732,779. Walaupun tidak mendapat majoriti, ini merupakan bukti keberkesanan pengaruh Hitler. Selain itu, sokongan kepada Hitler disebabkan banyak perkara lain termasuk kemelesetan ekonomi yang tenat akibat pembayaran pampasan perang, penghinaan oleh Perjanjian Perdamaian Versailles, dan keinginan oleh rakyat Jerman untuk mempunyai seorang pemimpin yang dapat membawa mereka mencapai kembali kegemilangan yang lampau.

Ekonomi Jerman yang musnah akibat inflasi 1929 - 1934 dan kadar pengangguran sehingga 7,000,000 menyebabkan seluruh industri berhadapan dengan kegagalan dan menjadi muflis. Sepanjang 1930 dan sehingga 30 Januari 1933, undian parti Nazi meningkat secara berterusan dan Presiden Paul von Hindenburg akhirnya melantik Hitler sebagai Perdana Menteri 'Chancellor'. Hitler menggunakan kedudukannya sebagai Chancellor untuk menghapuskan penentang-penentangnya. Pada malam yang dikenali sebagai Malam Pisau Panjang "The Night of the Long Knives" Hitler membunuh semua penentangnya dalam parti Nazi. Hitler juga menyalahkan Komunis dan Yahudi atas kelembapan ekonomi dan berjaya meraih sokongan angkatan tentera dengan melaksanakan polisi melengkapkan peralatan senjata Jerman.

Ketika Perang Dunia I meletus, Hitler turut serta pada usia 25 tahun sebagai pengantar pesan dalam pasukan Infantri Resimen Bavaria ke-16, dan ia merupakan salah satu orang yang paling beruntung di medan pertempuran. Pernah suatu kali resimennya bertemu pasukan Inggris dan Belgia di dekat Ieper (bahasa Perancis: Ypres), resimennya kehilangan 2.500 dari 3.000 orang, tewas, luka-luka atau hilang dan Adolf Hitler lolos tanpa luka sedikitpun dan beberapa kali ia berdiri di satu tempat dan kemudian berpindah ke tempat lain yang beberapa detik kemudian tempat dia sebelumnya berdiri kejatuhan bom. Luka pertamanya didapatnya pada tanggal 7 Oktober 1916 tepat 2 tahun setelah ia terjun kedalam perang, akibat pecahan mortir di perang di Kota Somme. Ketika gencatan senjata ditanda tangani pada tanggal 11 November 1918, Hitler sedang dirawat di rumah sakit akibat terkena serangan gas klorin dari inggris yang mengakibatkan buta sementara. Ketika itu Hitler menjabat sebagai kopral.

Hitler pernah menjadi seorang pegawai penyiasat tentera di Munich dan terlibat dengan penyiasatan tentang aktiviti Parti Pekerja German.Disitu Hitler mula berkecimpung dalam politik secara tidak langsung. Hitler kemudiannya berkecimpung secara langsung dalam politik dan menjadi pengerusi kepada Parti Pekerja German pada bulan Julai 1921. Hitler kemudiannya menukar nama Parti Pekerja German kepada Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) ataupun parti Nazi. Perlahan-lahan parti Nazi terbentuk dengan logo swastika, membenruk pasukan penguatkuasa yang dikenali sebagai 'storm troopers' dan anti Yahudi. Hitler mengecam secara mutlak Perjanjian Perdamaian Versailles dan mereka yang terlibat dengannya. Pada bulan November 1923, Hitler melancarkan 'putsch' percubaan rampasan kuasa di Munich tetapi gagal. Akibat dari itu, Hitler telah dipenjarakan di penjara Landesburg dan apabila dia keluar, Hitler menjadi lebih arif dalam selok belok politik. Hitler masih mengamalkan taktik kekerasan tetapi pada masa yang sama Hitler menjalin hubungan erat dengan pihak konservatif yang ingin menggunakannya sebagai alat menentang ancaman komunis.

Hitler kemudiannya menggunakan kebolehan berpidatonya untuk menjadi ketua parti, dan menukar nama parti kepada parti Nazi 'National Socialist German Labour Party'. Hitler membentuk dasar anti yahudi, anti demokrasi dan kepercayaan kepada kuasa mutlak. Hitler menjalankan dasar memberi sedikit keistimewaan kepada mereka yang menyokong, mengancam mereka yang menentang dan propaganda bersifat patriotik kepada orang awam.

Hanya pada tahun 1929 parti Nazi memenangi majoriti dalam pengundian bandar Coburg, dan kemudiannya memenangi pengundian daerah Thuringia. Bagaimanapun semenjak 1928, Nazi memenangi daerah demi daerah secara berterusan. Dalam pengundian parlimen Reichstag 1928, parti Nazi memenangi 809,000 undian. Pada tahun 1930, parti Nazi memenangi 6,401,016 undi untuk perwakilan Nazi, sementara tahun 1932 sebanyak 13,732,779. Walaupun tidak mendapat majoriti, ini merupakan bukti keberkesanan pengaruh Hitler. Selain itu, sokongan kepada Hitler disebabkan banyak perkara lain termasuk kemelesetan ekonomi yang tenat akibat pembayaran pampasan perang, penghinaan oleh Perjanjian Perdamaian Versailles, dan keinginan oleh rakyat Jerman untuk mempunyai seorang pemimpin yang dapat membawa mereka mencapai kembali kegemilangan yang lampau.

Ekonomi Jerman yang musnah akibat inflasi 1929 - 1934 dan kadar pengangguran sehingga 7,000,000 menyebabkan seluruh industri berhadapan dengan kegagalan dan menjadi muflis. Sepanjang 1930 dan sehingga 30 Januari 1933, undian parti Nazi meningkat secara berterusan dan Presiden Paul von Hindenburg akhirnya melantik Hitler sebagai Perdana Menteri 'Chancellor'. Hitler menggunakan kedudukannya sebagai Chancellor untuk menghapuskan penentang-penentangnya. Pada malam yang dikenali sebagai Malam Pisau Panjang "The Night of the Long Knives" Hitler membunuh semua penentangnya dalam parti Nazi. Hitler juga menyalahkan Komunis dan Yahudi atas kelembapan ekonomi dan berjaya meraih sokongan angkatan tentera dengan melaksanakan polisi melengkapkan peralatan senjata Jerman.

10 Jenderal paling terkenal dalam Perang Dunia 2

1. Isoroku Yamamoto
 Isoroku Yamamoto dikenal karena menjadi dalang serangan Pearl Harbor, Isoroku Yamamoto adalah Naval terkemuka Marsekal Jenderal Jepang yang memperkenalkan beberapa perubahan radikal dalam Angkatan Laut Kekaisaran Jepang. Lahir pada tanggal 4 April, 1884 di Niigata, Jepang, Isoroku Yamamoto selesai lulus dari Akademi Angkatan Laut Kekaisaran Jepang pada tahun 1904 dan juga terdaftar di Harvard University di mana ia belajar 1919-1921. Dia meninggal pada tanggal 18 April, 1943 ketika pesawatnya jatuh dalam penyergapan oleh pesawat tempur Amerika .

2. Erich von Manstein
Dianggap sebagai salah satu yang terbaik dari segi strategi militer dalam sejarah Jerman, Erich von Manstein mencapai pangkat Marsekal Lapangan dalam Perang Dunia 2,di mana dalam kepemimpinannya yang sukses, angkatan bersenjata Jerman mencapai kemenangan dalam pertempuran Sevastopol, Kerch, Tanah Genting Perekop dan Kharkov. Setelah kekalahan Nazi Jerman, dia ditangkap oleh tentara Inggris pada tanggal 23 Agustus 1945. Setelah menyelesaikan penahanannya tahun 1953, ia bergabung dengan Pemerintah Jerman Barat sebagai penasihat militer. Sebagai peneliti sejarah, ia menulis sebuah buku - Verlorene Siege, menggambarkan pengalamannya sendiri dan ide-ide saat Dia jalani selama 1930-an dan 1940-an.

3. Omar Bradley
Luas dikenal karena sifat sopan dan santun, Omar Bradely adalah Jendral Amerika terkemuka  Perang Dunia 2 yang secara signifikan berkontribusi dalam Landing Normandia serta dalam pertempuran Bulge. Sejak kecil, dia punya gairah besar dalam bisbol, buku dan menembak. Dalam media Amerika arus utama, Omar Bradely telah ditandai sebagai pria yang tidak pernah menunjukkan kekuatan dan kemampuan otoritatif pada petugas dan tentara yang bekerja di bawah kepemimpinannya. Dia meninggal pada tanggal 8 April 1891, di New York City.
4. Henry Arnold
Lahir dari keluarga terkemuka Pennsylvania, Henry H. Arnold dikenal luas untuk memegang jajaran Jenderal Angkatan Darat dan kemudian Jenderal Angkatan Udara . Salah satu pilot militer pertama di seluruh dunia. Dalam kepemimpinan yang luar biasa, Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat mencapai beberapa kemenangan luar biasa melawan kekuatan sumbu.

5. Georgy Zhukov
Salah satu Jenderal paling terkenal dalam sejarah Kekaisaran Rusia , Uni Soviet dan Federasi Rusia, George Zhukov memainkan peran penting dalam memimpin Tentara Merah selama Perang Dunia 2.Ia lahir pada tanggal 1 Desember, 1896 di keluarga miskin dan kemudian pergi ke Moskow untuk bekerja sebagai sebuah cloakmaker. Penting untuk menggambarkan sikap "jangan pernah menyerah" , Jenderal Zhukov masih dikenang karena keketatan nya, disiplin keras dan perencanaan rinci.

6. Bernard Montgomery
 Dia dikenal dengan nama panggilannya "Spartan," adalah Bernard Montgomery pejabat terkemuka Angkatan Darat Inggris, yang tidak hanya berpartisipasi dalam Perang Dunia 1, tapi juga memainkan peran penting dalam Perang Dunia 2, memastikan kemenangan Tentara ke-8 melawan Sekutu tahun 1942. Jenderal Montgomery adalah orang yang  menerima penyerahan pasukan Jerman di Lüneburg Heath pada tanggal 4 Mei 1945, . Pemenang  penghargaan bergengsi  , Montgomery mengambil nafas terakhirnya pada tanggal 24 Maret 1976, di rumahnya di Hampshire.

7. Douglas MacArthur
Douglas MacArthur adalah pejuang terkenal yang memainkan peran yang mencolok dalam Perang Pasifik dalam Perang Dunia 2 yang selanjutnya mencapai klimaks di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki (Bom),  sehingga menarik Jepang untuk menyerah. Untuk layanan yang luar biasa dalam Kampanye Filipina, Jenderal MacArthur dianugerahi Medali Kehormatan. Selain melayani sebagai Pengawas dari Akademi Militer Amerika Serikat di West Point, ia juga menjabat sebagai Penasihat Militer kepada Pemerintah Persemakmuran Filipina.

8. Dwight D. Eisenhower

Landasan penting dari perang Dunia 2, Jenderal D. Eisenhower menjadi komandan tertinggi pasukan Sekutu di Eropa, yang memainkan peran utama dalam membasuh Jerman Nazi. Setelah akhir Perang Dunia 2, ia terpilih sebagai panglima tertinggi pertama NATO dan kemudian menjadi ke-34 Presiden Amerika Serikat . Setelah menjalani kehidupan yang bermartabat dan terhormat, angka menonjol dari perang dan politik,Dia akhirnya meninggal pada tanggal 28 Maret 1969.

9. Erwin Rommel
Dihormati oleh pasukan sendiri dan pasukan lawan karena menjadi petugas murah hati, Erwin Rommel adalah Marsekal Lapangan Jerman selama Perang Dunia 2 yang memimpin pasukan Jerman melawan Sekutu selama invasi Normandia. Dihitung di antara salah satu komandan paling berpengalaman dari gurun perang , Jenderal Rommel yang populer dikenal dengan julukan "Desert Fox." Sepanjang pelayanan, ia tidak pernah dituduh melakukan kejahatan perang, dan lebih jauh lagi, ia menentang untuk membunuh tentara atau warga sipil yang ditangkap.

10. George S. Patton

Dan di sini datang Jenderal Angkatan Darat Amerika paling cemerlang dari Perang Dunia 2.Seorang pria karakteristik warna-warni dan master dari sebuah merek yang tidak jelas pada kefasihan, Jenderal Patton dikenal secara luas untuk gambarnya yang tak kenal takut, tidak ortodoks dan bersorak di antara teman-temannya serta dalam daftar besar musuh.Di bawah kepemimpinan terampilnya, wilayah emansipasi dalam waktu yang lebih daripada tentara lain dalam sejarah militer.Dijuluki " koboi gila"oleh Adolf Hitler,Jenderal Patton juga telah digambarkan dalam Academy Award dengan memenangkanfilm"Patton."

Eminem Biography

Marshall Bruce Mathers III (born October 17, 1972), known by his primary stage name Eminem, or by his alter ego Slim Shady, is an American rapper, record producer and actor. Eminem quickly gained popularity in 1999 with his major-label debut album The Slim Shady LP, which won a Grammy Award for Best Rap Album. The following album, The Marshall Mathers LP, became the fastest-selling hip hop album in history. It brought Eminem increased popularity, including his own record label, Shady Records, and brought his group project D12 to mainstream recognition.

The Marshall Mathers LP and his third album, The Eminem Show, also won Grammy Awards, and in 2002, he won the Academy Award for Best Original Song for a song in the film 8 Mile, in which he also played the lead. Eminem then went on hiatus after touring in 2005. He released his first album since 2004's Encore, titled Relapse, on May 15, 2009. Eminem has sold more than 75 million albums worldwide, and in the United States is the best selling music artist of the 2000s. Eminem is also ranked in the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time by Rolling Stone magazine. He was also named the Best Rapper Ever By Vibe Magazine.

Musical career

1972?1997: Early life, and Infinite
See also: Infinite (Eminem album)
Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born in St. Joseph, Missouri, the son of Deborah Mathers-Briggs (n?e Nelson) and Marshall Bruce Mathers, Jr. Shortly after his birth, his father abandoned his family. Until he was twelve, Mathers and his mother moved between various cities and towns in Missouri (including St. Joseph, Savannah, Missouri and Kansas City) before moving to Warren, Michigan, a Detroit suburb. After procuring a copy of the Beastie Boys album Licensed to Ill as a teenager, Mathers became interested in hip hop, performing amateur raps at age fourteen under the pseudonym "M&M" and joining the group called "Bassmint Productions" and released their first EP called "Steppin' Onto The Scene". They later changed their name to "Soul Intent" and around 1995 they released their first single called "Fuckin' Backstabber" under the record label Mashin' Duck Records. Although he was enrolled at Lincoln High School in Warren, he frequently participated in freestyle battles at Osborn High School across town, gaining the approval of underground hip hop audiences. After repeating the ninth grade three times due to truancy, he dropped out of high school at age 17.

Mathers was initially signed to FBT Productions in 1992, run by brothers Jeff and Mark Bass. Mathers also held a minimum-wage job of cooking and dishwashing at the restaurant Gilbert's Lodge at St. Clair Shores for some time. In 1996, his debut album Infinite, which was recorded at the Bassmint, a recording studio owned by the Bass Brothers, was released under their independent label Web Entertainment. Eminem recalled "Obviously, I was young and influenced by other artists, and I got a lot of feedback saying that I sounded like Nas and AZ. 'Infinite' was me trying to figure out how I wanted my rap style to be, how I wanted to sound on the mic and present myself. It was a growing stage. I felt like 'Infinite' was like a demo that just got pressed up." Subjects covered in Infinite included his struggles with raising his newborn daughter Hailie Jade Scott while on limited funds and his strong desire to get rich. Early in his career, Eminem collaborated with fellow Detroit MC Royce da 5'9" under the stage name Bad Meets Evil. After the release of Infinite, Eminem's personal struggles and abuse of drugs and alcohol culminated in his unsuccessful suicide attempt.

With the release of The Slim Shady EP, Mathers was accused of imitating the style and subject matter of underground rapper Cage. While promoting the EP, Mathers approached Insane Clown Posse member Joseph Bruce and handed him a flyer which implied that the group would make an appearance at the EP's release party. Bruce refused to appear because Mathers had not previously approached him for permission to use the group's name in this way. Taking Bruce's response as a personal offense, Mathers subsequently attacked the group in radio interviews.

Jimmy Iovine, CEO of Interscope Records, requested a demo tape of Eminem's after Eminem won second place at the 1997 Rap Olympics. Iovine played the tape for record producer Dr. Dre, founder of Aftermath Entertainment. The two began recording tracks for Eminem's upcoming major-label debut The Slim Shady LP, and Eminem made a guest performance on the album Devil Without a Cause by Kid Rock. Hip-hop magazine The Source featured Eminem in its "Unsigned Hype" column in March 1998.

1998?1999: The Slim Shady LP
Main article: The Slim Shady LP
According to Billboard Magazine, at this point in his life Eminem had "realized his musical ambitions were the only way to escape his unhappy life". After being signed to Aftermath Entertainment/Interscope Records in 1998, Eminem released in 1999 his first major studio album, The Slim Shady LP, heavily based on the production by Dr. Dre. The album was, according to Billboard, "light years ahead of the material he had been writing beforehand". It went on to be one of the most popular albums of 1999, going triple platinum by the end of the year. With the album's popularity came controversy surrounding many of the album's lyrics. In "'97 Bonnie and Clyde", he describes a trip with his infant daughter, disposing of the body of his wife. Another song, "Guilty Conscience", ends with his encouraging a man to murder his wife and her lover. "Guilty Conscience" marked the beginning of the powerful friendship and musical bond that Dr. Dre and Eminem would share. The two label-mates would later collaborate on a line of hit songs, including "Forgot About Dre" and "What's the Difference" from Dr. Dre's album 2001, "Bitch Please II" from The Marshall Mathers LP, "Say What You Say" from The Eminem Show, "Encore/Curtains Down" from Encore and "Old Time's Sake" and "Crack a Bottle" from Relapse. Dr. Dre would go on to make at least one guest appearance on all of Eminem's studio albums under the label Aftermath.

2000?2001: The Marshall Mathers LP
Main article: The Marshall Mathers LP
The Marshall Mathers LP was released in May 2000. It went on to sell 1.76 million copies in its first week, breaking the records set by Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle as the fastest-selling hip hop album and Britney Spears' ...Baby One More Time as the fastest-selling solo album in United States history. The first single released from the album, "The Real Slim Shady", was a success and created some controversy by insulting celebrities and making dubious claims about them; he states, among other things, that Christina Aguilera performed oral sex on Fred Durst and Carson Daly. In his second single, "The Way I Am", he reveals to his fans the pressures from his record company to top "My Name Is" and sell more records. Although Eminem had parodied shock rocker Marilyn Manson in the video "My Name Is", the artists are reportedly on good terms. They performed a remix of the song "The Way I Am" together in concert. In the third single, "Stan" (which samples Dido's "Thank You"), Eminem attempts to deal with his new-found fame, taking on the persona of a deranged fan who kills himself and his pregnant girlfriend, mirroring "'97 Bonnie & Clyde" on The Slim Shady LP. Q magazine named "Stan" the third-greatest rap song of all time, and the song came tenth in a similar survey conducted by The song has since become highly acclaimed and was ranked 290th in Rolling Stone magazine's "500 Greatest Songs of All Time" list. In July 2000, Eminem became the first white person to be featured on the cover of The Source magazine.

Music tours that he participated in for 2001 included the Up In Smoke Tour with rappers Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Xzibit, and Ice Cube and Family Values Tour with the band Limp Bizkit.

2002?2003: The Eminem Show
Main article: The Eminem Show
Eminem's third major album, The Eminem Show, was released in summer 2002 and proved to be another hit for the rapper reaching number one on the charts and selling well over 1 million copies in its first week of release. It featured the single "Without Me", an apparent sequel to "The Real Slim Shady", in which he makes derogatory comments about boy bands, Limp Bizkit, Moby, and Lynne Cheney, among others. The album reflected on the impact of his rise to fame, his relationship with his wife and daughter, and his status in the hip-hop community. He also addresses the charges he faced over assaulting a bouncer he saw kissing his wife in 2000. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of Allmusic felt that while there was clear anger present on several tracks, this album was considerably less inflammatory than The Marshall Mathers LP. However, L. Brent Bozell III, who previously criticized The Marshall Mathers LP for perceived misogynistic lyrics in the album, noted The Eminem Show for its extensive use of obscene language, giving Eminem the nickname "Eminef" for the bowdlerization of motherfucker, an obscenity prevalent in the album.

2004?2005: Encore
Main article: Encore (Eminem album)
On December 8, 2003, the United States Secret Service admitted it was "looking into" allegations that Eminem had threatened the President of the United States. The lyrics in question: "Fuck money/I don't rap for dead presidents/I'd rather see the president dead/It's never been said, but I set precedents ...". The song in question, "We As Americans", wound up on a bonus CD accompanying the album.

The year 2004 saw the release of Eminem's fourth major album, Encore. The album was another chart-topper, as it was driven by the single "Just Lose It", notable for being disrespectful towards Michael Jackson. On October 12, 2004, a week after the release of "Just Lose It", Eminem's first single off Encore, Michael Jackson called into the Los Angeles-based Steve Harvey radio show to report his displeasure with the video, which parodies Jackson's child molestation trial, plastic surgery, and an incident in which Jackson's hair caught on fire while filming a Pepsi commercial in 1984. The lyrics to "Just Lose It" refer to Jackson's legal troubles, however he does state in his song "... and that's not a stab at Michael/That's just a metaphor/I'm just psycho...." Many of Jackson's supporters and friends spoke out about the video, including Stevie Wonder, who called the video "kicking a man while he's down" and "bullshit", and Steve Harvey who declared, "Eminem has lost his ghetto pass. We want the pass back." In the video, Eminem parodied Pee Wee Herman, MC Hammer, and a Blonde-Ambition-touring Madonna.

Regarding Jackson's protest, "Weird Al" Yankovic, who parodied the Eminem song "Lose Yourself" on a track titled "Couch Potato" on his 2003 album Poodle Hat, told the Chicago Sun-Times, "Last year, Eminem forced me to halt production on the video for my "Lose Yourself" parody because he somehow thought that it would be harmful to his image or career. So the irony of this situation with Michael is not lost on me." Black Entertainment Television was the first channel to stop airing the video. MTV, however, announced it would continue airing the video. The Source, through its CEO Raymond "Benzino" Scott, wanted not only the video to be pulled, but the song off the album, and a public apology to Jackson from Eminem. In 2007 Jackson and Sony bought Famous Music LLC from Viacom. This deal gave him the rights to songs by Eminem, Shakira and Beck, among others. Despite the comedic theme of the lead single, Encore had its fair share of serious subject matter, including the anti-war track "Mosh". On October 25, 2004, a week before the 2004 U.S. Presidential election, Eminem released the video for "Mosh" on the Internet. The song featured a very strong anti-Bush message, with lyrics such as "fuck Bush" and "this weapon of mass destruction that we call our president". The video features Eminem gathering up an army of people, including rapper Lloyd Banks, presented as victims of the Bush administration and leading them to the White House. However, once the army breaks in, it is revealed that they are there to simply register to vote, and the video ends with the words "VOTE Tuesday November 2" on the screen. After Bush won the election, the video's ending was changed to Eminem and the protesters invading while Bush was giving a speech.

2005?2008: Musical hiatus
Eminem performing live on the Anger Management Tour in August 2005
In 2005, some industry insiders speculated that Eminem was considering ending his rapping career after six years and several multi-platinum albums. Speculation began in early 2005 about a double-disc album to be released late that year, rumored to be titled The Funeral. The album manifested itself as a greatest hits album under the name Curtain Call: The Hits, and was released on December 6, 2005 under Aftermath Entertainment. In July 2005, the Detroit Free Press broke news of a potential final bow for Eminem as a solo performer, quoting members of his inside circle who said that he will begin to fully embrace the role of producer and label executive. On the same day of the release of the compilation album, Eminem denied that he was retiring on Detroit-based WKQI's "Mojo in the Morning" radio show, but implied that he would at least be taking a break as an artist, saying "I'm at a point in my life right now where I feel like I don't know where my career is going ... This is the reason that we called it 'Curtain Call', because this could be the final thing. We don't know."

In 2005, Eminem was a subject of Bernard Goldberg's book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America; he ranked #58. Goldberg cited a 2001 column by Bob Herbert of The New York Times claiming, "In Eminem's world, all women are whores and he is eager to rape and murder them." The Eminem song "No One's Iller" from The Slim Shady EP was used by Goldberg as an example of misogyny in his music.

In summer 2005, Eminem embarked on his first U.S. concert run in three years, the Anger Management 3 Tour, featuring 50 Cent, G-Unit, Lil' Jon, D12, Obie Trice, The Alchemist, and others. In August 2005, Eminem canceled the European leg of the tour and subsequently announced that he had entered drug rehabilitation for treatment for a "dependency on sleep medication".

2008?2009: Relapse and Relapse 2
Main articles: Relapse and Relapse 2

In September 2007, Eminem called into New York radio station Hot 97 during a 50 Cent interview and said he was "in limbo" and "debating" about when and if he would release another album. He said, "I'm always working -- I'm always in the studio. It feels good right now, the energy of the label. For a while, I didn't want to go back to the studio ... I went through some personal things. I'm coming out of those personal things it feels good."

Eminem made an appearance on his Sirius channel Shade 45 in September 2008 in which he said, "Right now I'm kinda just concentrating on my own stuff, for right now and just banging out tracks and producing a lot of stuff. You know, the more I keep producing the better it seems like I get 'cause I just start knowing stuff." It was around this time that Interscope finally confirmed the existence of a new Eminem album, with Spring 2009 later being stated as the period span in which the album is due. In December 2008, he gave more details on the album, which he recently reported was being titled Relapse. He said, "Me and Dre are back in the lab like the old days, man. Dre will end up producing the majority of the tracks on 'Relapse'. We are up to our old mischievous ways ... let's just leave it at that."

On March 5, 2009, Eminem reported in a press release that he would be releasing two new albums this year. Relapse, the first album, was released on May 19, while "We Made You", the first official single and its music video, were released on April 7.. On October 3, 2009, Eminem appeared once again on Shade 45 with DJ Whoo Kid and announced that Denaun Porter and Just Blaze were very busy working on Relapse 2 .

Shady Records and D12
Main articles: Shady Records and D12
As Eminem succeeded in multi-platinum record sales, Interscope granted him his own record label. He and his manager Paul Rosenberg created Shady Records in late 2000. He followed this by signing his own Detroit collective D12 and rapper Obie Trice to the label. In 2002, Eminem signed 50 Cent through a joint venture between Shady and Dr. Dre's Aftermath label. In 2003, Eminem and Dr. Dre signed Atlanta rapper Stat Quo to the Shady/Aftermath roster. DJ Green Lantern, the former DJ for Eminem, was signed to Shady Records until a dispute related to the 50 Cent and Jadakiss feud forced him to depart from the label; he is no longer associated with Eminem. The Alchemist is now officially Eminem's tour DJ. In 2005, Eminem signed another Atlanta rapper, Bobby Creekwater, to his label along with West Coast rapper Cashis.

On December 5, 2006, Shady Records released compilation album, Eminem Presents: The Re-Up. It started out as a mixtape but Eminem found that the material was better than expected and released it as a full album. It was meant to help launch the new artists under the roster, like Stat Quo, Cashis and Bobby Creekwater.

Around the time of recording Infinite, Eminem and rappers Proof and Kon Artis gathered the group of rappers now collectively in the group D12, short for "Detroit Twelve" or "Dirty Dozen", performing in the manner of the multi-man group Wu-Tang Clan. In 2001, Eminem brought his rap group, D12, to the popular music scene, and the group's debut album Devil's Night came out that year. The first single released off of the album was "Shit on You", followed by "Purple Pills", an ode to recreational drug use. For radio and television, the censored version "Pills" was heavily rewritten to remove many of the song's references to drugs and sex and was renamed "Purple Hills". While that single was a hit, the album's second single, "Fight Music", was not as successful.

After their debut, D12 took a three-year break from the studio, later regrouping to release their second album, D12 World, in 2004, which featured the popular hit single release "My Band". In April 2006 D12 member Deshaun "Proof" Holton was killed in a club brawl on 8 Mile Road in Detroit, Michigan, involving U.S. military veteran Keith Bender Jr., who was killed by Proof. The eruption is suspected to have been due to an argument over a game of pool. Proof was then allegedly shot by the bouncer Mario Etheridge, Bender's cousin. He was taken by private vehicle to St. John Health's Conner Creek Campus, an outpatient emergency treatment site, but pronounced dead on arrival. Eminem and former Detroit Shady Records artist Obie Trice spoke at the funeral.

D12 member Bizarre said that Eminem is not featured on his new album Blue Cheese & Coney Island because "he's busy doing his thing". In a December 2007 interview with the website, Bizarre confirmed that the group is working on its third studio album, tentatively titled The Ambition, which he said was "halfway finished" at the time of the interview. Producers include Dr. Dre, Eminem, Luis Resto, and Hi-Tek.

Featurings and productions
See also: Eminem production discography and Eminem discography#Guest appearances
Although he typically collaborates with various rappers under Aftermath Entertainment and Shady Records, such as Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, D12, Eminem has collaborated with many other artists, including, Redman, Kid Rock, DMX, Missy Elliott, Jay-Z, Method Man, The Notorious B.I.G., Jadakiss, Fat Joe, Sticky Fingaz, T.I. and others. Eminem rapped a verse in a live performance of Busta Rhymes' "Touch It" remix at the 2006 BET Music Awards on June 27, 2006. Eminem was featured on Akon's single "Smack That" which appeared on Akon's album Konvicted.

Eminem is also an active rap producer. Besides being the executive producer of D12's two albums, Devil's Night and D12 World, he has executive produced Obie Trice's Cheers and Second Round's on Me as well as 50 Cent's Get Rich or Die Tryin' and The Massacre. In addition, Eminem has produced and appeared on several songs by other famous rappers, such as Jadakiss' "Welcome To D-Block", Jay-Z's "Renagade" and "Moment of Clarity" Lloyd Banks' "On Fire", "Warrior Part 2", and "Hands Up", Tony Yayo's "Drama Setter", Trick Trick's "Welcome 2 Detroit", and Xzibit's "My Name" and "Don't Approach Me". Most of The Eminem Show was produced by Eminem himself, with co-production from longtime collaborator Jeff Bass. He split the production with Dr. Dre on Encore. In 2004, Eminem was the Executive Producer of 2Pac's posthumous album Loyal to the Game with 2Pac's mother Afeni Shakur. He produced the UK #1 single "Ghetto Gospel" which featured Elton John. He has produced "The Cross" off Nas's album God's Son. On August 15, 2006, Obie Trice released Second Round's on Me. Eminem produced 8 tracks on the album. He was featured in the song "There They Go". Eminem produced some tracks on the new Trick Trick album, The Villain. He is also featured in "Who Want It".

Acting career

Although he had a brief cameo in the 2001 film The Wash, Eminem made his official Hollywood acting debut with the semi-autobiographical 8 Mile, released in November 2002. He has said the movie is not an account of his life, but a representation of growing up in Detroit. He recorded several new songs for the soundtrack, including "Lose Yourself", which won an Academy Award for Best Original Song in 2003. However, the song was not performed at the ceremony, due to Eminem's absence at the ceremony. His collaborator, Luis Resto, who co-wrote the song, accepted the award.

Eminem has participated in various voice acting roles. Some of these include the video game 50 Cent: Bulletproof, where he voices an aging corrupt police officer that speaks in Ebonics and guest spots on the Comedy Central television show Crank Yankers, and a web cartoon called The Slim Shady Show, which has since been pulled off-line and is instead sold on DVD.

Eminem will star in the upcoming film, Have Gun ? Will Travel, in which he will play a bounty hunter known as "Paladin". He will also be involved in either the soundtrack or scoring. He was also in the running for the part of David Rice in 2008's film Jumper after Tom Sturridge was dropped just 2 weeks before filming. Concerns over not having a more prominent actor prompted the director, Doug Liman, to consider other actors for the role. Hayden Christensen was eventually selected over Eminem.


On October 21, 2008, Eminem released a tell-all autobiography titled The Way I Am, which details his struggles with poverty, drugs, fame, heartbreak and depression, along with stories about his rise to fame and commentary on past controversies.

Personal life

Marshall Mathers has often been subject of much scrutiny as a rapper as well in his personal life. He was married twice to Kimberley Anne Scott, whom he met in high school. They began their on-and-off relationship in 1989, getting married by 1999. Their first divorce was in 2001. In 2000, Scott attempted suicide and sued the rapper for defamation after he depicted her violent death in his song "Kim". They remarried in 2006 but divorced again less than three months later, agreeing to share custody of their daughter, Hailie Jade Scott (born December 25, 1995). Hailie Scott has often been referenced or featured on various songs of Eminem, such as "'97 Bonnie & Clyde", "Hailie's Song", "My Dad's Gone Crazy", "Mockingbird", "Forgot About Dre", "Cleanin' Out My Closet", "When I'm Gone", "Deja vu", and "Beautiful".

Mathers adopted two other daughters: Alaina "Lainey" Mathers, the child of Kimberley Scott's sister, and Whitney Mathers, Eminem's step daughter.

Legal troubles
In 1999 Mathers' mother sued him for around US$10 million over alleged slander about her in his lyrics regarding The Slim Shady LP; she won only about US$1,600 in damages in 2001.

Mathers was arrested on June 3, 2000 during an altercation at a car audio store in Royal Oak, Michigan, with Douglas Dail, where he pulled out an unloaded gun and kept it pointed at the ground. The following day, in Warren, Michigan, he allegedly saw his then wife, Kim, kiss bouncer John Guerrera in the parking lot of the Hot Rock Caf? so he assaulted him. He was given two years probation for both the episodes.

In the summer of 2001, Mathers' legal troubles continued, as he was given probation on weapons charges that stemmed from an argument with an employee of Psychopathic Records, giving him a fine around $2,000 as well as several hours of community service.

In 2007 Eminem's music publishing company Eight Mile Style LLC together with Martin Affiliated LLC filed suit against Apple, Inc and Aftermath Entertainment claiming Aftermath did not have the appropriate authority to negotiate a deal with Apple for digital downloads of 93 songs by rapper Eminem on Apple's iTunes service. The case against Apple went to trial in late September 2009 and was settled a few days later.

Drug issues
His group-mate Proof from D12 stated that Mathers "sobered up" in 2002 from drug and alcohol dependence. However, he did turn to zolpidem sleeping pills for relief from sleeping troubles. This caused Mathers to cancel the European leg of the Anger Management Tour in August 2005 and eventually go into rehab for treatment for a "dependency on sleep medication". In a 2009 interview with British talk-show host Jonathan Ross, Mathers admitted that at the height of his addiction, he considered suicide, saying that "I just wasn't taking care of myself, at times I wanted to just give it up." He also confirmed that he is now sober, commenting that "ap was my drug ... Then I had to resort to other things to make me feel that. Now rap's getting me high again."

Conflict with Mariah Carey
Eminem has written several songs referring to a relationship with pop singer Mariah Carey, although she denies the claim. Songs Eminem has referenced her on include "Superman", "Jimmy Crack Corn", "Bagpipes From Baghdad", and "The Warning". While "Superman" was released in 2003, Carey released a song entitled "Clown" on her Charmbracelet album, released around the same time, which makes similar references in line with her 2009 hit "Obsessed".

Eminem's "Bagpipes From Baghdad" from his album Relapse may be his best known Carey diss due to the controversy it caused. The song calls out Mariah and husband Nick Cannon's relationship. Cannon responded to Eminem by saying his career is based on "racist bigotry", and that he would get revenge on Eminem, joking that he may return to rapping. Eminem later stated that the couple misinterpreted the track and it was wishing the two the best. Cannon also stated that there were no hard feelings, and that he just had to express his feelings about the song.

In 2009 Carey released "Obsessed" in which she sings about an obsessed man who claims to be having a relationship with her. Cannon claimed that the song was not an insult directed at Eminem. Eminem then released a track in late July 2009 titled "The Warning" which was a direct insult at Mariah and Nick, and contained samples of a voice which is either Carey's, or a very good voice actress (Eminem does not tell the listener).

Source :

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

contoh narrative text

Beauty and the Beast

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Beauty. She lived with her father and her sisters in a small village.
Beauty was a beautiful girl. She was also hard-working. She always helped her father on the farm.
One day, her father set out for the city. He saw an old castle and went in. No-one was in but there was food on the table. Then he walked around the castle. He picked a rose from garden for Beauty. Suddenly an angry Beast appeared. He wanted to kill Beauty’s father unless Beauty was brought to him.
Beauty’s father told her daughters what had happened. Beauty’s sisters ordered her to see the Beast.
Beauty went to see the Beast and had to stay at the castle. She felt scared, lonely and sad. She tried to run away but was stopped by the Beast. The Beast treated Beauty well. Soon, Beauty began to like the Beast.
One day, through the Beast’s magic mirror, Beauty saw that her father was sick. The Beast allowed her to go home. Her father was happy to see her.
One night, Beauty had a dream. A fairly told her that the Beast was sick.
Beauty hurried back and saw the Beast dying. She began to cry. Tears fell onto the Beast. Suddenly, the Beast changed into handsome prince.
Beauty and the Beast got married and lived happily ever after.

penjelasan simple present tense

Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang berlangsung/terjadi pada waktu sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana, kegiatan atau pekerjaan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang, kebiasaan sehari-hari, peristiwa atau perbuatan yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan waktu, dan untuk mengekspresikan kebenaran umum.

Simple Present Tense menggunakan jenis "TO BE 1" and "VERB 1"
TO BE 1 terdiri dari: am, is, are (untuk selengkapnya, lihat tabel berikut)
Do / Don't
Does / Doesn't
DO dan DOES digunakan pada kalimat tanya.
DON'T (DO NOT) dan DOESN'T (DOES NOT) digunakan pada kalimat negatif.
TO BE 1 (am, is, are) digunakan ketika suatu kalimat tidak ada unsur kata kerja (NON VERB)
Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense
Mengekspresikan kalimat Simple Present Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB)
Subject + Verb 1 + Object
Subject + DON'T / DOESN'T + Verb 1 + Object
DO / DOES + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?
Question Word + DO/ DOES + Subject + Verb 1?
Contoh :
I speak English everyday
She speaks English everyday
I don't speak English
She doesn't speak English
Do you speak English?
Jawaban: Yes I do, atau No, I don't
Does she speak English?
Jawaban: Yes She does, atau No, She doesn’t
Why do you speak English everyday ?
Hanya pada kalimat positif, untuk subject "He, She, It", penggunaan kata kerjanya (VERB) harus diakhiri dengan "s/es." Penambahan “s/es” pada kata kerja dasar (inifinitive) adalah sebagai berikut:
Pada umunya kata kerjanya langsung ditambah dengan akhiran “-s”, contohnya:
Work – Works
Write – Writes
Speak – Speaks
Kata kerja yang berakhiran huruf “ch, o, s, sh, x” ditambah akhiran “-es”, contohnya:
Pass - Passes
Finish - Finishes
Teach - Teaches
Go - Goes
Fix - Fixes
Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan huruf “-y” dan dimulai dengan huruf mati, akhiran “-y” diubah menjadi “-i” kemudian ditambah “-es”, contohnya:
Study - Studies
Carry - Carries
Cry - Cries
Sedangkan kata kerjanya berakhiran dengan huruf “-y” yang diawali dengan huruf hidup, cukup ditambah dengan akhiran “-s” saja, contohnya:
Buy - Buys
Play - Plays
Say - Says
Apabila kata kerjanya diawali dengan huruf kata kerja bantu (Modal Auxiliaries), maka tidak mendapatkan tambahan “s/es”,contohnya:
He Will work
She Can open
He Must close
Fungsi Simple Present Tense pada kalimat verbal
Menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang menjadi kebiasaan atau yang dilakukan pada waktu-waktu tertentu (Habitual Action), contohnya:
We study hard everyday.
She visits the library twice a month.
Menyatakan suatu kebenaran atau kenyataan umum, atau suatu kebenaran yang dianggap terjadi terus-mnerus (The General Truth), contohnya:
A year has twelve months.
The sun rises in the East.